【同义词辨析】 2018-02-14 会谈confer-negotiate

confer: implies comparison of views or opinions and usu. an equality between the participants: the excutives ~ weekly about current business problems.

consult: adds to confer the implication of seeking or taking counsel: before acting, the president ~ with his aides.

advise: applies especially to the seeking and giving of opininons regarding personal matters: before deciding to run, he ~ with friends.

parley: implies a conference for tha sake of settling differences: the government refusing to ~ with the rebels.

treat: implies existence of a common will to adjust differences or a need for diplomacy: warring nations ready to ~ for peace.

negotiate: sug. a compromising and bargaining: unwilling to ~ with terrorists.

confer会议: 比对观点一般身份平等, consult协商咨询: 征求或采纳建议, advise咨询: 一般个人事务方面的建议, parley会议: 为了化解分歧, treat公约: 1协调差异,2利用外交手段(NATO北大西洋公约组织) , negotiate谈判: 相互让步讨价还价

记忆方法: 1) CCPATN想成Chinese Commuist Party(中共) AT November: 党的十八大11月召开的(2012年11月15日)==>会议会谈

2)会谈的意思是讨论,以做决定或解决问题mean to engage in discussion in order to reach a decision or settlement